Archi d'interieur & moi

Platform for exchanges between interior designers and customers

UX/UI Designer

Miro, Mindmapping, Figma



Based on a source from Pôle Emploi (French job search agency), there are approximately 49 offers for over 6800 job applications for an interior designer position (January 2021).
As you can see, the career opportunities are small. In fact, it's easier and cheaper to buy decorative items in the shops than to call on the services of an interior designer.

As a team, we wanted to come up with a solution that would benefit both interior designers and young owners/tenants.

Mes responsabilités
Sur ce projet, j'ai participé à :

  • Déterminer la problématique
  • Ecrire une note de conception
  • Mener une interview utilisateur
  • Etablir les parcours utilisateurs et les wireframes
  • Définir le style guide
  • Réaliser les maquettes et le prototype



Following the elaboration of the QQOQCP and our note of intent, our problem was defined as follows:
How can we facilitate exchanges between interior designers and young tenants/owners?


We carried out an initial benchmark of applications and websites similar to our digital solution. Following our teacher's feedback, we carried out a second benchmark more focused on networking platforms such as Malt, Coworkers, Crème de la Crème and Houzz.

Candidate search and interviews

Our search for interior design candidates was no easy task. First, we sent emails to schools, in particular to Alumni de l'ENSAD, where we received no response. Thanks to an acquaintance, we were able to interview a interior designer based in Tunisia, Kaïs.

The interview on Teams took the form of a question-and-answer session, with lots of explanations and examples from Kaïs.
The main questions were as follows:

  • Which industry do you work in?
  • What type of project do you usually work on?
  • How do you find customers? How do you communicate with them?
  • How do you get in touch with customers?
  • What types of customers do you have?
  • During a project, what are the essential resources to be provided by the client?

This interview helped us understand a lot about the interior design profession. It gave us an idea of how he goes about getting more visibility and customers. We learned about a price quote. We also made the point that the distinction between architect and interior designer is very important.


The results of the interview enabled us to create personas:
Romain Ared, 27, freelance interior designer.
Solène Leclaire, 24, Digital Project Manager in a Paris communications agency.

Persona 1: Romain Ared
Persona 1: Romain Ared

Persona 2: Solène Leclaire
Persona 2: Solène Leclaire


The plateforme

We design a platform that facilitates exchanges between interior designers and customers with quick exchanges, long-term collaborations, secure document transmissions, the possibility of making a call for tender by customers and the possibility of filling in price offers and then signing them electronically.

User flows

Interior designer's user journey (final version)
Interior designer's user journey (final version)

Customer journey (final version)
Customer journey (final version)

The process continued with a list of functionalities, the creation of usage scenarios for interior designers and customers, and the creation of wireframes.

Interface features
Interface features


The idea was to have the interior designer's information on one side, and his creations on the other, so that customers could contact him quickly if they were interested.

Interior designer wireframe
Interior designer wireframe


Our second benchmark on real estate websites or in relation with interior designers, gave us a tone on the colors we wanted: the yellow tone for the luxury and fraternal side and the white color for a more aesthetic side.

  • yellow #F5C41C: the luxurious, fraternal side
  • white #FFFFFF: the aesthetic side

Archi d'intérieur et Moi user profile mockups
Archi d'intérieur et Moi user profile mockups

We started creating the mockups on Figma with the interior designer's profile page. We used this mockup as a guide to design all the other mockups.
We shared the task of designing all the mockups.

Link of prototype: Archi d'intérieur & Moi


This study trained me to take part in these tasks:

  • Interroger des utilisateurs
  • Creating personas
  • Creating user flows and wireframes
  • Producing mock-ups on Figma


Note of intent
• Behind the scenes:
• Interior designers, salaries, career opportunities, training, etc.:
• Jeune archi:
• Rencontre un archi:
• Archidvisor:

Completed projects

Profil Les Alchimistes
Les Alchimistes
UI Design • Design system • Synchronized data • Mockups • Freelance
App Monthly Plan
Monthly Plan
UI Design • Mockups • Design system • UI Animation
Android widget Somfy Protect
Mobile app
Somfy app redesign
UI Design • Feedback • Design system • Mockups